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Triple A.I. supply chains (September 14, 2023)

Category: Webinars

A Stanford professor once described high performing supply chains as Agile, Adaptative and Aligned. Agile refers to the ability of supply chains to face daily uncertainties and variations, adaptability refers to the ability to adjust to more significant changes over time; and aligned refers to the quality of the relationships with partners along the chain that contribute to delivering sustainable performance.

While the triple A framework is as relevant as ever for supply chain leaders. We put forward, in an article published in The European Business Review the concept of Triple A.I. supply chains. We suggest that Agile, Adaptative and Aligned needs to be complemented by Informed, Interconnected and Intelligent supply chains. In a nutshell, this means that information gathered along and beyond the supply chain are combined into short, mid, and long-term insights and scenarios that facilitate human decisions.
In this webinar, we cover:

During the webinar we will discuss and illustrate how Triple A.I. supply chains can be implemented.