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Training & Education / e-Learning Modules

EIPM has been creating a library of over 130 Purchasing & Supply Management e-modules and is continuing to do so on a weekly basis. These E-modules address three different levels (beginner, intermediate, advanced) and cover 12 strategic domains: leadership, negotiation, innovation, practices and tools, contract, cost, finance, supply chain, supplier relationship management, purchasing, KPIs and sustainability.

To facilitate your shopping for learning, we have structured these 130 E-modules into 27 topic-based Clusters with the three levels of complexity previously mentioned.

You can now create your own training roadmap based on your needs and/or interests.

Purchasing Process & Organisation - 6 e-modules - Beginner level - English
After completion of these e-modules Learners will understand some basics of Purchasing in terms of Process & Organisation.

Modules are targeted to any person entering in a purchasing organisation or willing to understand the fundamentals of Purchasing.

1. The rise of Purchasing.
2. Purchasing Organisation.
3. Purchasing Organisation to support strategies.
4. Purchasing process Steps.
5. Prospect & Select suppliers.
6. RFx (RFI, RFP, RFQ).

Contract Clauses - Intermediate
Includes 3 e-modules

1. Learning Objectives
After completion of the e-modules, Learners will understand the basics of Legal concepts, Contract formation and validity and some important terms and definitions.

2. Target group
All purchasing professionals.

3. Content
Overview of Legal Concepts.
Overview of Contracts.

Emotional Intelligence - 6 e-modules - Intermediate level
1. Learning Objectives
After completion of the e-modules, Learners will understand how to use Emotional Intelligence during Negotiation.

2. Target group
Any person willing to improve their negotiation attitude by understanding Emotional Intelligence.

3. Content
The affiliative style.
The authoritative style.
The coaching style.
The coercive style.
The democratic style.
The pacesetting style.

Cost Analysis - Beginner
Includes 7 e-modules

1. Learning Objectives
After completion of these e-modules, Learners will understand Costing of products / services, Total Cost of Ownership (TCO) and the Target Costing process.

2. Target group
Buyers at any level who wish to learn how to use cost breakdown and TCO decision-making tools to better negotiate price reductions with suppliers.

3. Content
Costs and spending in a company.
Introducting cost breakdown.
Cost structure & breakdown.
Cost breakdown analysis.
Total cost of ownership (TCO).
Target costing & concept of value.

Fundamental Behaviours to Become a Leader - 5 e-modules - Beginner level
1. Learning Objectives
After completion of the e-modules, Learners will understand some basics of behaviour to become a Leader.

2. Target group
Any person interested in better understanding and mastering the impacts of behaviour on leadership.

3. Content
- Introduction to body language.
- Deciphering body language.
- Discovering behavioural reflexes in Negotiation.
- Introduction to Emotional Intelligence.
- Understanding Culture: What is a cultural trait?

Financial Analysis - Intermediate
Includes 4 e-modules

1. Learning Objectives
By the end of this course, participants will be able to understand the basics of Finance and Financial statements.

2. Target group
Buyers, Lead Buyers and Commodity Managers, who need to evaluate the financial health of their suppliers or develop strategies to improve the financial performance of their own companies.

3. Content
Fundamentals of Finance: Financial Statements.
Fundamentals of Finance: Analysing a supplier’s financial sustainability, performance and cash generation.
Fundamentals of Finance: Discounting cash flows to make financial decisions.
Financial Reporting.

Intercultural Intelligence to Better Influence - 3 e-modules - Intermediate level
1. Learning Objectives
After completion of the e-modules, Learners will be able to benefit from identifying the main cultures to adapt herself/himself to.

2. Target group
Any person willing to improve their negotiation attitude by understanding about Intercultural Intelligence.
3. Content
- Action-oriented vs analysis-oriented cultures; Task-oriented vs person-oriented cultures.
- Low power vs High power cultures; Universalist cultures vs particularist cultures.
- Monochronic vs polychronic cultures; Explicit cultures vs implicit cultures.

Supply Chain Essentials - Intermediate
Includes 3 e-modules

1. Learning Objectives
After completion of these e-modules, Learners will be capable of understanding the principles of Supply Chain Management.

2. Target group
Any Learner willing to understand and start implementing supply chain management.

3. Content
Inventory management.
Introduction to Supply Chain.
Supply Chain optimization.

Advanced Behaviours for Leadership - 4 e-modules - Intermediate level
1. Learning Objectives
After completion of the e-modules, Learners will be capable of detecting behavioural reflexes and of differentiate arguments to improve their communication and negotiation.

2. Target group
Any Learners interested in knowing more about behaviour to improve their efficiency in communication and negotiation.

3. Content
- Understanding behavioural reflexes.
- Types of behavioural reflexes.
- Detecting behavioural reflexes.
- Creating a balance between different types of arguments.

SRM Principles - Intermediate
Includes 5 e-modules

1. Learning Objectives
After completion of these e-modules, Learners will be capable of understanding the principles of SRM.

2. Target group
Any Learner willing to improve their understanding of SRM.

3. Content
Understanding what SRM is about (Part 1).
Understanding what SRM is about (Part 2).
Segmenting suppliers for SRM.
Formatting the SRM relationship.

Negotiation Preparation - 6 e-modules - Beginner level
1. Learning Objectives
After completion of the e-modules, Learners will know about all the elements and steps in preparing a negotiation effectively and efficiently.

2. Target group
Any learner interested in developing their negotiation practice by improving their preparation.

3. Content
- Analysing the negotiation’s value exchange.
- Creating a BATNA based on the negotiation context.
- Negotiation principles.
- Following a 5-step communication process.
- How offensive should you be in Negotiation.
- Adjusting the negotiation settings.

SRM Implementation - Intermediate
Includes 3 e-modules

1. Learning Objectives
After completion of these e-modules, Learners will be capable of implementing SRM with suitable suppliers.

2. Target group
Any Learner willing to understand how to implement SRM.

3. Content
Understanding the supplier.
KSM (Key Supplier Management).
Structuring the supplier’s relationship.

Negotiation Conduct - 6 e-modules - Beginner level
1. Learning Objectives
After completion of the e-modules, Learners will be capable of managing some negotiation best practices such as: listening, building arguments, conclusion, etc.

2. Target group
Any Learner willing to improve their negotiation practice.

3. Content
Conditioning the other party before they start negotiating.
Credibility & impact of 1st impressions on negotiating.
Identify 3 basic types of arguments.
Importance of Listening.
How to successfully conclude a negotiation.
Face to Face & post negotiation.

SRM Organisations - Advanced
Includes 5 e-modules

1. Learning Objectives
After completion of these e-modules, Learners will be able to understand & implement success factors and KPIs to measure those successes.

2. Target group
Any Learner willing to understand advanced elements of SRM.

3. Content
SRM & Purchasing Maturity.
Key success factor for SRM (part 1).
Key success factor for SRM (part 2).
SRM & KPI (part 1).
KPIs for SRM (part 2).

Strategic Behaviours in Negotiation - 4 e-modules - Intermediate level
1. Learning Objectives
After completion of the e-modules, Learners will be capable of strategically organising & conducting negotiations.

2. Target group
Any Learner willing to enhance their behaviour to improve their negotiation effectiveness.

3. Content
Conceding & obtaining value.
Analysing the balance of power to be offensive or defensive.
Adapting your Negotiation behaviour.
Organise your Negotiation resources: Time & Team.

Category Management - Intermediate level
Includes 5 e-modules

1. Learning Objectives
After completion of these e-modules Learners will know how to define a category strategy.

2. Target group
Any person who creates and implements strategies for the categories handled.

3. Content
Strategy Definition Alignment.
Needs Definition, Stakeholder analysis.
Market Dynamics (Porter).
Defining a Category Strategy (Kraljic).
Risks Analysis.

Game Theory Applied to Negotiation - 5 e-modules - Advanced level
1. Learning Objectives

After completion of the e-modules, Learners will be capable of understanding the game theory of negotiation typologies.
2. Target group

Any Learner willing to improve their negotiation effectiveness by applying the game theory.
3. Content

Partial vs complete vs perfect information game.
The cooperative vs the non-cooperative approach.
The simultaneous vs the sequential negotiation game.
The symmetric vs the asymmetric negotiation game.
The zero-sum vs the non-zero-sum game.

Purchasing Environment - Beginner
Includes 5 e-modules

1. Learning Objectives
After completion of these e-modules, Learners will understand better how purchasing interacts with some key environmental elements.

2. Target group
Any person willing to know the role of Purchasing in Project Management, sustainability, market trends etc.

3. Content
Information sources in Purchasing.
Make or Buy.
Project Management.
Supply & Demand.

Innovation Basics - 4 e-modules - Beginner level
1. Learning Objectives

After completion of the e-modules, Learners will understand how they can contribute to innovation.
2. Target group

Any person interested to understand better how innovation can be supported by suppliers and purchasing.
3. Content

Why are suppliers increasingly involved in innovation.
Value & Innovation.
The innovation sourcing process.
Measuring Innovation.

KPIs (part 1) - Intermediate
Includes 4 e-modules

1. Learning Objectives
After completion of these e-modules Learners will understand better how to define & implement some main indicators.

2. Target group
Any person who creates and implements some indicators.

3. Content
SRM & KPI (part 1)
KPIs for SRM (part 2)

Innovation Advanced - 5 e-modules - Intermediate level
1. Learning Objectives

After completion of the e-modules, Learners will be able to contribute to innovation.
2. Target group

Any person interested to understand better how innovation can be delivered with suppliers.
3. Content

Innovation sourcing ladder
Mapping business value drivers.
Understanding pain points.
Business ecosystems in innovation.
Mapping a business ecosystem.

KPIs (part 2) - Advanced level
Icludes 5 e-modules

Some Elementary Practices & Tools - 5 e-modules - Beginner level
1. Learning Objectives

After completion of the e-modules, Learners will know how to use some elementary tools to work in Purchasing.
2. Target group

Any person interested to understand the basic tools to start with working in Purchasing & Supply Management.
3. Content

Needs definition – Segmentation.
Needs definition – ABC / Criticality.
Levers to leverage: Consolidation & Standardisation.
Understanding what SRM is about (part 1).

Sustainability - Intermediate level
Includes 5 e-modules

1. Learning Objectives
After completion of these modules Learners will understand better the role of Purchasing Professionals in sustainability.

2. Target group
Any person who wants to comply with Sustainability and understand its basics.

3. Content 5 E-Modules
Sustainability (introduction)
Sustainability & Risks
Integrating sustainability in the purchasing process
Beyond compliance with sustainability
Circular Economy

Some Advanced Practices & Tools - 6 e-modules - Intermediate level
1. Learning Objectives

After completion of the e-modules, Learners will know how to use some more advanced practice and tools.
2. Target group

This Pack of modules is more dedicated to Professionals in charge of Categories management.
3. Content

Needs definition – Stakeholders Analysis.
Market Dynamics (Porter).
Defining a Category Strategy (Kraljic).
Risk Analysis.
eAuctions (Reverse Auctions).

A PILOT: IFPSM demo cluster
Includes 6 modules

Best Country Sourcing
Circular Economy
Purchasing organisation
How offensive shoulf you be in negotation?
Market Dynamics - Porter
Mapping a business ecosystems

Some Practices & Tools for Upstream Purchasing - 6 e-modules - Intermediate level
1. Learning Objectives

This pack of modules is more dedicated to Professionals working in the upstream phase of Purchasing.
2. Target group

This Pack of modules is more dedicated to Professionals in charge of Categories management.
3. Content

Functional Analysis 1.
Functional Analysis 2.
Target costing & concept of value.
How to communicate with stakeholders.
Project Management.

Contract Basics - 4 e-modules - Beginner level
1. Learning Objectives

After completion of the e-modules, Learners will understand the basics of Legal concepts, Contract formation and validity and some important terms and definitions.
2. Target group

All purchasing professionals.
3. Content

Overview of Legal Concepts.
Overview of Contracts.

Test product
For testing